BBC Media Training – My Community, My Voice 2014
I was selected to attend a BBC Media Training course called “Our Community, Our Voice”. It was a 10 week course aimed at training local people from local communities around Bristol to be able to work in a team, research, make and present a community interest film. Our group decided to investigate influential women in Bristol’s history and how they are now recognised. We worked with Bristol Women’s Voice and Hannah More Primary school ( Hannah More was a prominent Bristol woman). I carried out research, organised the interviews and carried out the presentation and interviewing of the school children. We all assisted with the editing of the film.
A preview evening was organised and friends, family and the local community were invited.
I was selected to be one the artists to take part in this research and exhibition in 2015.
At the time I was researching sound archives for landscapes/spaces in Bristol and then recording sounds of the same landscapes/spaces, playing them in contrast to each other. The changes to the spaces over time were clearly heard in the captured modern day sound pieces.
Sounding the City is a two part event taking place in Bristol, and funded by the South West Doctoral Training Centre (SWDTC). The project comprises a field recording workshop and resulting exhibition at The Edwardian Cloakroom, both events seek to address the diverse sensory experiences of urban walks, and offer some provocations about the role of different mediums in their attempts to document these.
Given recent developments which have emerged in curating sound and sound art across a diverse range of artistic and academic fields, ‘Sounding the City’ seeks to explore issues of developing, experiencing and curating sound art, whilst hoping to facilitate a broader discussion about the role of experimental and artistic methodologies more broadly, as well as the process of mediating these.